A Cat Tale (The latest news from Watervalley.)
It should be noted that in ancient Egypt, cats were worshiped as kings and queens. Apparently, they haven’t forgotten this.
It should be noted that in ancient Egypt, cats were worshiped as kings and queens. Apparently, they haven’t forgotten this.
In my late teens I remember driving a country road out of Water Valley, Tennessee (the real one) up to Franklin, Tennessee in the next county. For a Middle Tennessee backroad, it bordered on bizarre. Around here we have rolling hills and ridges. Old backroads are rambling affairs; typically following the point of least resistance […]
The Fullness of Time, the fourth and best written book (that is…until book five is done) in the Watervalley Series will finally be available on Tuesday, March 26. Hot Dog! (Pre-order info below!) After three years of laboring non-stop at the keyboard, (yes, that’s a big lie) and finding ever new ways to provide vague […]
Beautiful Words Ever have one of those moments…maybe at a party, or in a job interview, or maybe during a friendly (or even unfriendly) debate…where somehow, all the planets aligned, all the cosmic tumblers fell in place and you had the most absolutely perfect rejoinder, the most unconditionally brilliant answer, the most quintessentially genius response […]
Next week I will be a guest lecturer to a couple of college literature classes in which my first novel, More Things in Heaven and Earth, is part of the curriculum. Guys like myself, who hail from bushhog-intensive backgrounds, rarely get to have this kind of honor. Each session will last almost an hour and […]
In the summer of 1976 I returned home from my first year of college. During those months, America celebrated its bicentennial, CB radio’s were the rage, Viking I landed on Mars, Evita Peron was kicked out of Argentina, (you know..don’t cry for me), and a guy named Steve Jobs got the idea for his new […]