The Southern Literary Review Praises “More Things In Heaven And Earth”

Donna Meredith at The Southern Literary Review says “Jeff High’s More Things in Heaven and Earth is one of the best books I’ve read in years.”  Though this book has been tagged as an “easy read,” there are plenty of deep, literary undertones that the vigilant reader will easily spot, as did Ms. Meredith.

The title, of course, comes from Shakespeare. Hamlet discusses a ghost’s visitation with Horatio, who can’t accept the vision with his rational mind. Hamlet cautions, “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” As Luke follows in his father’s footsteps, he expands his own views of the world. He realizes life can exist outside the big city, that real life is happening to people right in front of him in a small town in Tennessee.

Donna Meredith, The Souther Literary Review

In her review of More Things In Heaven And Earth, she highlights that though “High has a gift for capturing the humor of small town life,” and “the novel captures the joy and richness of living where your family has sunk roots deep into the soil…It’s not all pretty. Alcoholics, unwed mothers, grudges, illness, computer fraud, blame and shame are just as much a part of life in Watervalley as honest auto mechanics, church bells, and food delivered to your door in time of need.”

Meredith’s book review of More Things In Heaven And Earth by author Jeff High concludes with her stating that “the novel leaves us pondering the nature of a higher order governing our lives, bringing us in contact with the people who can help us grow and heal our wounds,” which is similar to the feeling expressed by author Lisa Wingate in her book review of Jeff High novel.

Read the whole review at

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