The Fullness of Time
The fourth book in the Watervalley Book series! After a turbulent eighteen months, Luke Bradford is finally at peace with his new life as the sole physician in rural Watervalley. [...] Read MoreNews
“The Splendor of Ordinary Days” Is #1 Best Seller
The Splendor of Ordinary Days makes it to #1 on The Tennessean Best Seller List! On October 18th, the BookMan BookWoman bookstore in Hillsboro Village hosted a standing-room only book signing and author event to celebrate the latest novel in the Watervalley Books series, and that week the The Splendor of Ordinary Days rose to #4 on the […]
Kindle Fire HD 6 Giveaway Complete
Congratulations to Amanda Morris for winning the The Splendor of Ordinary Days Kindle Fire HD 6 Giveaway! With more than 1800 entries, Amanda was randomly selected and will receive a Kindle Fire HD 6 and signed copies of all three novels in the Watervalley Series. Special thanks to everyone who participated in the contest and the blog […]
Author's Blog
A Cat Tale (The latest news from Watervalley.)
It should be noted that in ancient Egypt, cats were worshiped as kings and queens. Apparently, they haven’t forgotten this.
Facts and Fiction: (I don’t just make this stuff up.)
In my late teens I remember driving a country road out of Water Valley, Tennessee (the real one) up to Franklin, Tennessee in the next county. For a Middle Tennessee backroad, it bordered on bizarre. Around here we have rolling hills and ridges. Old backroads are rambling affairs; typically following the point of least resistance […]